The Weeds In Your Backyard

A little blip on the radar that is my scrumptiousness :D

Weedles #1: Goofy

Ok...I started to call my blogs Weedles. Like little weeds that get planted in your brain and soon spawn into huge plants that you want to smoke.

So...Weedle #1: GOOFY!

My life has taken a drastic change. I moved to my fathers with my husband and our three cats. I am selling my car, trying to work for a chemical plant, and have time for all my friends/boyfriend in the meantime.

However I find it goofy in the fact that my life is actually completely satisfactory. I am satisfied where I am. No if's, and's, or but's. I am stressed no doubt but to not have the weight of all the other crap in my life kinda feels awesome.

My bf posted a blog about our relationship, which was cute. We make random noises to each other on the computer and or keyboard rape each other. It's a vicious cycle. But in the end, it makes my day to know someone loves me even though I don't really speak his language. ;)

Me: you are so weird!
Sil: I know :D
Me: But so am I! gooblerkshkdjhaytevjakduirkkshjfkljhdf
Sil: I know what you mean.

I am also proud to report I have unlimited long distance calling. So I can now call my gay husband in Canada anytime I want for nothing out of pocket. It keeps me sane. I love being able to have someone to confide in an listen to me even though hes never met me. <3

Until my next Weedle...Love you all.

Today in FayLand

Today in Fayness land...I am loving life. Talking to my wonderful stoner of a boyfriend, whom I love dearly. I love him with all I have. I am currently sitting in my living room talking to him.

I have nothing to do, I hate being unemployed. I joined the realm of the unemployed about two weeks ago. Kinda sucks but I am doing pretty good. I am enjoying the things I never really got to now. I am becoming a travel agent and doing my own thing so I can take off in August to see my Justin. I am so happy.

On a side note...cottage cheese and sweetened condensed milk taste really good. Not together but...separately they are awesome! Just thought I would throw that out there.

On another side note..."YOU KNOW ITS AWKWARD WHEN I TRY TO JOG"
I heart American Dad.

This day I own..

Today, for the longest time in awhile I was truly happy and felt like things would turn out alright. I thought this merited me writing my feelings and thoughts down daily so I could track of my patterns and be able to relive them in the future.

I am a 22 year old girl who is married. Not to the love of my life mind you. I actually don't love my husband at all. I am in love with another. His name is Justin. If things go according to plan I am going to leave my husband and devote my time and love to Justin fully.

I live in Midvale, UT. No I am not Mormon, nor am I one of many wives either >.> I was raised Mormon but have eventually come to the conclusion that if God was as humble and forgiving as they say he is, why would he expect us to listen to an organized cult instead of learning and making the decision for ourselves? I have struggled with this for years and recently removed my name from church records and worship in my own way. I don't need someone to tell me how my personal relationship with God should be.

I am of the Liberal/Green Party. I support the legalization of marijuana. I think politics aren't for the people any longer and cater to whatever will get the government the most money. It's just a scam and I feel no need to keep up to date any longer.

Anyways, first entry down. <3 To all you bloggers out there, till next time :D